Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth.

I've wanted to blog again for a while now. Probably because I just like to hear myself speak. [wow what a positive way to start], nonetheless, I will write things down.

"Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth." -TH Huxley

That refers to God, an immutable being. And it refers to Law, the standards God has set in motion. They're like bones and the earth and dimensions are muscles and flesh around it.


For some reason, the night inspires these weirdo thoughts. Then when i'm in the hustle and bustle they hardly seem real or applicable. From 9 to 5 all my thoughts are so practical. Thinking about school, gossip, food, clothes, all that jazz. Things like Jesus, genocide and justice are these kinda hazy things i tuck in the back of my mind.

And slowly, time takes away all our opportunities. I guess time is the window of opportunity. 

Thats the theme of my thoughts. I hate the idea of Wasted Time.

Still, we gotta trudge on and wake up. Hahaha, can't take a second to think because that would be Wasted Time.

Something tells me that I should adhere to the Truth as it appears to me because time has power over it. That tall tower that tells the world where to be has got too much power over me!

Is Christianity Truth? At times, its obvious. However, during the day, practical thoughts overwhelm me and it drifts into fog. Or maybe I drift into fog.

Ha! Or its cause I'm engaging in my own flesh: perhaps its because I'm fogging up my windows in the back of my car with a hot girl ;) 

So maybe I'm dwelling in the fog. I've experienced light, this ain't it.